Hope you are all well and that you are keeping on with your creative endeavors. I haven't done a whole lot in the past couple of years due to the undertaking of a new and demanding day job. (This is not something I recommend, by the way.)
While there's nothing wrong with day jobs, allowing them to overtake the balance in your life leaves much to be desired. You know things are out of whack when you start actively missing yourself.
One thing that I learned from this 365 project is that small daily actions can really add up. With this in mind, I started wondering if the same thing would work for cultivating more happiness in my life. Of course, it's pretty much a no-brainer. Many books have been written on exactly this, but there is a difference between knowing something intellectually and valuing it enough to make it a part of your experience.
After watching a particularly inspiring video, I made a little plan for myself. I dubbed it, "The Happiness Project." It contains all kinds of little things I can do each day to improve the balance in my life and to increase my daily dose of the happy.
One of the items on the list is to gradually post my work on pixels.com, which is part of Fine Art American, one of the largest print-on-demand sites utilized by artists. But, because I am stubborn and am often tired after a long day, I really drug my feet on this particular part of the project. Instead of making a single post each day, I put it off long enough that I finally got motivated to just do it all at once.
I still have quite a few pieces to post, but a good portion of my best work is now there. I'm so happy, I had to share!
If you are interested in checking it out, feel free to browse and/or shop here: http://misha-bean.pixels.com/

If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it.
What have you been up to creatively?