Sunday, March 13, 2011

day 62 ~ fog

"Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us." 

~ Henri Matisse

image ~ misha


  1. What a beautiful, foggy image. I'm glad that your family and friends are safe and sorry that your house has been plagued with sickness. We're coughing around here too.

  2. Misha, this is a gorgeous photo! It congers up eeriness and mystery; could be the opening of a great mystery film, or a scene from Lord of the Rings...

  3. Beautiful photo, and such a wonderful quote (that I've never heard before, but will be tucking away somewhere).

  4. Good morning, ladies. Thanks for all of the lovely feedback. This shot holds a special place in my heart.

    Hope this day finds you all well and peaceful.

  5. Thanks, Angie. It was a magically moody morning.

  6. Fog is its own best special effect, and this is a beautiful moody picture.

  7. It's a crop from "blue morning" which is very much how I was feeling on the day this was posted.
