Friday, April 1, 2011

day 81 ~ fertile hearts


words, images, wire-baby tree ~ misha


  1. Great contrast, texture, and I love the bits of color! Very cool, cool Misha.

  2. Thanks, Meg. I had a lot of fun taking the babies out and about. So much so, that I'm already making a mental list of my favorite spots to visit next. It was interesting how many people looked with open curiosity at what I was doing, but none of them asked the kooky lady with the tiny tree what she was up to!

  3. Wonderful. I love this selective color treetment (heh) and how much your little gem fits into the landscape. Kooky or not, what you do and how you do it is pure delight. Sweet words, too, in that amazing Misha pen flow.


  4. 'Treetment' ~ nice.

    I'm having a hard time stringing words together to express what I'm thinking. My head is a bit too foggy from this congestion, but I am smiling over the thought that it may take a bit of kooky to appreciate the kooky.

    In lieu of well expressed thoughts, how about a hug and a heartfelt 'thank you'?

  5. Sounds just right, dear friend.
