Monday, July 4, 2011

day 175 ~ connections

"Look deep, deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

~ Albert Einstein

And, in celebration of the 4th of July, here are some photos I took two years ago.

(Perhaps that tree in the foreground is foreshadowing?)

Hope all of my North American friends have enjoyed your long holiday weekend, 
no matter which end of the weekend your celebration fell upon. :)

this, that and the other ~ misha


  1. A wonderful post, with the all-seeing eye in great detail. I remember fondly your fireworks post and it was nice to revisit that. A very happy Independence Day to you and yours, Misha! Independence deserves its just dues and appreciation, every day.

    P.S. You'll love this... the captcha is OUTRE (pretty close to Oui Tree, no?)

  2. Oui!

    Happy Canada Day, Rick. Thanks for the good wishes.

  3. I enjoyed your fireworks photos very much, but that eye with the tree eyelashes!! Wonderful!

  4. Thanks, Leslie. It's a sure indicator that I have trees on the brain when, while putting on mascara, I look in the mirror and see that!

    Happy day to you and yours.

  5. Very creative! Oh the song!

  6. Ha :) Yes, it's a great song. Thanks for introducing me to them.

  7. Nice tree-lashes!

  8. Thanks, Angie! Wish I could figure out how to really wear 'em like that.
