Saturday, November 12, 2011

day 306 ~ heart



morphed into this...

and this...

and this...

and this...

and i have a feeling that if i didn't have to get out into this busy day, it would keep right on changing.

is there a moral to this story? i'm not sure, but maybe it is this:

never under estimate the story a peacock in the garden has come to tell.


"The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart." 

~ Buddha

music ~ "And The Winner Is" from Little Miss Sunshine
conversation with peacock ~ misha


  1. This is so fantastic. I'm a part of a team committed to connecting the disabled with the community. We are undertaking a revolutionary project to create a community farm built intentionally for those with disabilities yet also open to the public. I often refer to the peacock when translating ideas about the flower gardens that will be there. I even took a beautiful jigsaw puzzle of a peacock and used the individual pieces to make awareness pins. Each piece so beautiful and unique. You don't the what the big picture looks like, but God does and we all have a place in the picture.
    Love, love this peacock Misha!

  2. I never would have guessed that those started out as a peacock. Ever. Very cool. :)

  3. KIMMY! :)

    THIS is so fantastic. What a lovely surprise to see you here.

    The peacock is such a gorgeous symbol in so many ways.

    Bless you and the work you do. The farm and the pins sound inspiring. I can see the light in your eyes from here!

  4. Thank you, Ange. Your comment made me smile because I wouldn't see peacocks in those final pieces either, but life if very much like that, isn't it?

  5. did you take that shot of the peacock? gorgeous!

  6. I did, Amy. Thanks :)

    I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to these digital creations and I only use my own images, unless it's a collaboration I'm doing with someone.
