Saturday, January 5, 2013

on the fence...

Unbelievably enough, I am considering something I didn't think I would...another 365 project.

However, for a wide variety of reasons, I am still firmly seated on the fence. For one, I found the last project to be more than a little daunting and a great relief to have accomplished. For two, I haven't even managed to do all I want to do with Trees Please yet. While the necklaces have been a big hit and I smile widely over the joy they bring, I've only managed to prepare some of the pieces for prints and haven't brought a single one into the 3D realm...yet.

For three, my life is even busier than it was two years ago when Trees Please was born, and I remember very clearly how difficult it was to fit this project in on a daily basis. Much to my delight, I am now teaching art to 4th - 7th grade students at our small Montessori school, and am working in the office three days a week. This is all in addition to what I was previously managing.

BUT, the idea won't leave me alone.

Have you seen "Happy"? It's a documentary currently available on Netflix instant. I discovered it a couple of months ago and have watched it twice already. If you haven't yet watched it, please do. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

During the film, the term "flow" is discussed. I'm not even sure how to describe it, and am feeling too lazy to go look up an easily relate-able definition. We've all experienced flow, so I'm just going to continue on with the assumption that you know what I'm talking about.

Flow is one of my favorite places to be. This morning I was thinking how much I miss flow and that maybe I could do a project somehow encompassing this theme. I was browsing around the Internet and happened upon the term twice! It seemed like a nudge from the Universe, but I am still sitting on that proverbial fence.

It did prompt further musings about another project, however...possible projects on painting...color...or even "by hand". I'm leaning towards the latter, but may need a ladder to leave my preferred perch here in the I-don't-know...

For those of you who have done more than one project, what has your experience been like?

Happy 2013 to each of you. May we all find ourselves in wide open fence free fields of flow ~

Here's the trailer for "Happy" ~ enjoy!


  1. Seems very interesting. May be I can find it in the red box.
    Have a very "Happy New Year". Not be redundant, but it is a very important emotion indeed ie "HAPPINESS"

  2. Hi Misha, don't know if you remember me, I followed your project a couple of years ago while I was doing my own 365 project. So I've been pestered by the idea of another one for quite awhile, and have had all the same concerns you have but still this idea will not go away! And now here I am on my old dashboard thinking about my potential new project and see my dilemma reflected in you. Here's to both of us figuring out how to go with the flow! :)

    1. Hey Meg! Of course, I remember you. :) Right after I posted this, my life took a turn for the uber-busy. The idea of a daily project is comical to me now. Although, it feels as if it would be worth my while to re-delve into a daily spiritual practice...a daily commitment of being, rather than yet another one of doing. Best of luck to you!
